Our roots in Kenya

We are a small Foundation and all of us are personally committed to carrying out the projects, starting with the Committee that constantly follows the progress of the activities. This allows us to ensure that donation money is used efficiently, without dispersion.

We have been operating in Kenya for 18 years, and this allows us to work safely and make a real difference to the people we help. Our entire staff in Kenya is made up of local people, some of whom have been working with us for many years.

We do not limit ourselves to sending aid, our local staff constantly monitors the school performance of the boys of the schools where they study and the housing, hygiene and management conditions of the families. Many of the children we have helped in these years have graduated. When the boys find work, they often commit themselves to helping the family of origin and sometimes they take on the school fees of the brothers to keep them studying.

Thanks to the collaboration between our local staff and families, the opportunity is not limited to the individual, but extends to the whole family and community.

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Quality education, training and specific education with particular attention to the female gender.

We work to ensure quality education mainly for girls, without excluding boys, constantly monitoring the learning environment and promoting professional education and continuing training.

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Psychological support and female empowerment.

Through constant psychological support, we take care of the mental and emotional health of boys and families, helping them to overcome possible trauma, to take control of their lives and to develop their social and artisan skills to start income-generating activities. We focus

particularly on female empowerment, helping girls to acquire economic and decision-making autonomy and self-esteem to be protagonists of their own future.

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Promotion of health and well-being.

We promote the health and well-being of children in terms of basic health, hygiene, access to food and water and awareness on disease prevention and family planning.

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Open mind learning through extracurricular activities.

We work to provide students with as many skills as possible through extracurricular activities, knowledge exchange and a cultural comparison, with the aim of helping them build up their skills and promote open-mindedness.


Translated by Monica Giancaspro